Take A Hit

Take A Hit

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Is There Anybody Out There?

A question both suited to see if there are actually readers of this blog or if the finders of this are stoned.....or even more preferable...readers who are stoned...please stop here and smoke whatever amount of whatever you smoke, you feel necessary to attain THAT feeling, then click the link below...and float...we all float down here...

"Would you like a balloon Georgie?"


Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone home?

Come on
I hear you're feeling down
I can ease your pain
Get you on your feet again

I'll need some information first
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts?

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move
But I can't hear what you're saying

When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like
Two balloons
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain
You would not understand
This is not how I am

I... Have become comfortably numb

Just a little pin prick
There'll be no more aaaaaaaah!
But you may feel a little sick

Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on
It's time to go

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move
But I can't hear what you're saying

When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye

I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I... Have become comfortably numb

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thinking Old!?

I had a strange thought........as I often do when stoned.

I actually thought, that as a younger man, I must have been misguided.  I honestly believed that I could function as a "normal" person.....while high. 

I only come to this realization after an incident at work today.  It was late in the evening, providing some technical support for a customer as BruthaMan and I do on occasion.  I was just starting to come down from a buzz, of course, the customer engages us for support.  To make a long story short, it was during this "crisis", although not especially confusing when you get to brass tacks, it was confirmed that I am not at my sharpest when working while high.

I am 49, people keep telling me I'm old.  My doctor, BruthaMan, Daughter, Son and of course The Better Half.  I don't feel especially old.  I've always said that I'm a 19 year old in a 49 year old man's body.

As younger people are wont to do, we feel (and I say we because  I'm still 19 at heart, remember) invincible.  That nobody can tell when they're stoned or drinking.  I know I certainly did and still do to a degree.  Tonight's incident only re-inforces the fact that I can tend toward near FREAKOUT stage when presented with a poser of a problem.

Does that mean I'm not invicible and by extension getting old as everyone keeps telling me?

I say no.  I say maybe I can't smoke it and function in a work environment as I once believed I could, maybe I take a little longer to recover.  Listen to this song, It just makes me stronger!! 

I still feel 19.... and will until the day I die.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Supply and Demand


Supply is being jeoparized!!

I demand weed be legalized!! =)) 

It could be beneficial to all.  Tax on the weed.  Imagine how much money the Government could make taxing the weed, not to mention all the electrical thievery and damage that could be curtailed because of legalization.

I'm not pontificating...just sayin'....

Monday, December 3, 2012

A potent mix!!

What you're looking at is a shot of the mix I reviewed in Pipe Dream #2What I've done as mentioned in the post was to grind what weed I had just received.  Next, I took the Afghan Black and heated it ever so slightly to make it crumbly and then crumbled it all up.  Then following the BruthaMan Recipe, "A little weed, a little hash, a little weed, a little hash....." produced this lethal concoction you see before you.

1 part Hash Weed, 1 part Purple Kush, 1 part Afghan Black Hash

I may still need to add a little more weed to the mixture, not sure at this point.  It's almost a 1:1:1, weed:weed:hash combination.  I can see quite a bit of hash interspersed throughout the weed.

I look forward to smoking this little portion of my stash.

***Editorial Comment:  I am changing my posting time, to the time I posted this!  Bewildered as to why the fuck I haven't been posting at that time from the beginning?!?  I can be pretty dense sometimes!!*** :S

Music Bytes

Music, for me, is a tremendously strong memory trigger.  Certain specific songs can evoke very certain specific memories in me.  Red Barchetta brings to mind one such music byte. 

Summer 1980, Calgary, driving down Acadia Ave in my buddy Steve's 1976 Laguna S-3, early evening, Shelley Asselstine sitting on the centre console between Steve the driver and myself in the passenger seat.  Red Barchetta blasting on the cassette player. 

That memory tweaks a separate thought.  How can you tell I'm stoned?  I've known a lot of girls/women.  I've known a lot of dope smokers.  I HAVE not known a lot of girls/women dope smokers!

Don't get me wrong.  I have known a handful of girls/women dope smokers but in the girls/women I've known the non dope smokers far out weigh the dope smoking girls/women.

I can't believe that there are any less girls/women smoking dope than guys?  I wonder why it is that the circle of women I have been in, during my years on this planet, has not been filled with the dope smoking variety?

The reason I mention all of this, is because as always I have that thought when I hear Red Barchetta, I think of Shelley.  Tonight however my stoned mind threw me on The Dope Smoking Women tangent.

Just a momentary thought I had while listening to a song.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Pipe Dream #2

I am following BruthMan's recipe.  A little weed, a little hash, a little weed, a little hash.
So a little of this,

BC Hash Weed mixed with Purple Kush

A little of this,

Afghan Black Hash

Mixed into this,

Metro Pipe filled with Hash Weed - Purple Kush mix and Afghan Black Hash

I'm going to wait for about an hour and begin my Pipe Dream.  I'll let you know how I fare.

It's been about 5 minutes since I finished three hits of the HW-PK-H bowl.  The weed was very coarse in texture.  Strong smell of Hash.  With each hit I could feel it slowly enveloping from the back of neck to the centre of my eyes.  Not quick like just the Purple Kush.  Must be more of the Hash Weed and the Hash.  Every hit progressively tasted of Hash.  Very hard to type keep making mistakes and have to backspace a lot and retype.  Going to give it like 20 minutes and then finish the bowl.

Wow.  I'm really very stoned.  Got easily sidetracked on a personal matter of good fortune.  Which actually enables me to purchase a 1/4 oz of that Afghan Black Hash pictured above.

4th hit.  Hit the mother load.  Immense head rush from intake if the Hash, heart beat has increased slightly.  5th hit more of same.  Time for another small break in the action Chuck!

6th hit about 20 minutes after.  Ashy, Hashy, beginning of the end.  Really messed up, thoughts flying every which but sane.  Think I'm gonna go watch The Matrix.

Later kiddies.....

Really stoned, nice mix of head befuddle and body numb.  Excellent to watch The Matrix!

At 1:44:00 paused The Matrix for 30 minutes to take last Hashy toke from pipe and pick up party revellers, then back for final 32 minutes of the movie.  Still quite stoned!

So from start to finish it was 4 plus hours of utter stoned-ness.

Since that burn, I've ground the 2 grams of Hash Weed - Purple Kush mix.  Found it a little to coarse for my tastes.  I find if my weed is too coarse it's harder to burn in a pipe.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lost Art

I'd like to think that I'm pretty good a t turning a phrase.  My vocabulary is wide and varied, I try not to use the same adverbs or adjectives more than once in a post.  I use spell check.  If I don't know the meaning of a word, I use a dictionary.  I try to be specific in my language (I just used an online dictionary to see if the word diction is actually a word - according to dictionary.com, it is not).

In an article about my favourite baseball team, if you search for Fri. Nov.9, Miami, Toronto, you'll see a quote by Blue Jay's G.M. Alex Anthopolus:

"I prefer the phone, so does Larry," Anthopoulos says. "You can't judge a person's tone in a text or an email."

I don't agree with that statement.  For 2 reasons:

1)  When did texting become the preferred method of communicating million dollar deals!?!

2)  With the properly chosen words, it's possible to convey any emotion to the reader.  I offer the following in illustration (I just used an online theasaurus)

Executive Mansion,
Washington, Nov. 21, 1864.

Dear Madam,

I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.
Yours, very sincerely and respectfully,

A. Lincoln

Wow!!  I love the way the verbage flows.  Nobody writes like that any more.  Everybody, at the time that this was written, did!

The problem with texting, which I'm sure we all see, is the brevity in which it resides.  For some reason it has become viewed, as acceptible, the bastrardization of the English language, for the sake of speedily dispatching our spur of the moment missives.  I hate to say it, being a product of that age, but Televison killed the writing star.  It's become easier to watch the news than to read it.  If nobody is reading it then why learn how to write it.

It almost seemed that writing would rebound what with the advent of the internet.  A text and written media Mecca to begin with....ahhh but then You Tube, streaming video.  I'd like to stream something on that!!

When, in whatever form of chat I am using at that instant, I invaribly get left behind in the conversation or my comments get  overlooked because the topic has moved on as I was responding in an intelligent way to a conversation replete with "OMG's" and "u's" (for you).  I refuse to use those "abbreviations" for the grammatically correct choice.

I am to a certain extent a frustrated writer.  I can be very descriptive and concise in my writing.  I believe that had I applied myself while in college, I could have become an investigative writer.  Alas I was young and not imbued with the common sense time has bestowed upon me.

I believe that that succintness is what draws me to this.  This blog, this discourse, this verbal diarrhoea and meanderings of a drug addled mind.  It allows me to put poison pen to paper.  I have long cherished using my words to intimidate.  I can determine who is well read, who is not and who believes he/she is but sadly is unprepared for the battle.  It is with the last of the group in which I take my greatest pleasure.  I am relentless.  Lamentably however it is sometimes lost on those sad few, but I know.

Friday, November 30, 2012

I'm Batman

BruthaMan, my self and a Co-Worker were having an email conversation that somehow warped into a Batman picture free for all.  The entire conversation centered around our rather rotund friend. (I'm allowed this opionion a I was once large)  So here is my contribution to the effort.

I'm Batman!


I gotta do something like this!!

This would awesome in the basement!

More on the Origins of 420

I am passing along more 420 information for PseudoSis.  A sociological reality, according to some.  Please read What is 420, and be schooled young padawan stoner(s).  I am but a vessel to your knowledge.  ;)


Yesterday was a long one.  This job I mentioned that I occasionally pour hours into...23 in a row yesterday, a quick 3 hours sleep (if that), and then back at it again.  Needless to say I'm tired.  So it was fortuitous that BruthaMan informed me this arrived today.

Afghan Black Hash


I asked for this pic and a review of the hash.  I am also exercising an editors comment later in this posting.

Like M*A*S*H but funnier. LoL!

Smells nice. Burst of weed and oil at your face when opened. Gummy. Sticky. Pressed. Looks like it went through a roller.

It will be loaded with some BC Hash plant. Mmmmm. I need to add medicinal properties for a sore neck/shoulder issue. 

Listened to "For All" and "Gold on the Ceiling" whilst mixing.  Little weed. Little hash. Little weed. Little hash. Full bowl. Just like the way BruthaMan likes it.Cooked a chicken breast. 

Took some muscle relaxants and had a Bodingtons...

Yeh so... If this stuff is strong, I'm going to get really high. Well. Fucked up would be the correct description.

Ok. Burn time. Remember to "light the green"... First hit. Smooth. Tasty. Bud and Hash. Nice.

Second hit. Little more harsh, but we are working with a freshly cleaned Fisherman's Friend here...

Sip of the Bodington's.

3rd hit lights the hash to a smokey stream and suddenly I find myself sucking on the smoke streams from the bowl to not lose any of my stuff!

High is coming. Back of eyes. Forehead. We're about 2mins in here guys.

Oh btw... Haven't felt any affects of muscle relax or beer yet lol.

Stretch neck and 4 nice cracks. I can feel my muscles relaxing now.

Standing. Thinking. Typing.

4th hit...

High. Plane high. Head. Chest. A nice body high is encasing my nerve structure. Legs just felt nice and lower left lumbar muscles releasing. Oh my, didn't know I was tense there too.

5th hit. Hash is burning nice. Lotsa weed ash but center is hash now. Sticky. Still more left. Prob get 8 hits on this.

6th. Long. Wasn't as powerful. Maybe 7.

Ok. Now we're sippin' a Bodingtons again and finishing chicken bbq.

Feeling awesome. Can still type and comprehend my surroundings. LoL. Creeper body high coming though. Teeth floating now.

7th hit. Nice full lung full. Musta lit the hash again lol.

The thing with hash. U never know when u are done. Lol. It just keeps burning and burning man.

We need a 1/2 of this next time. Weed and hash always. Yeh I said it!

Ok 9 hits. 7 good of those 9. Two were weak pulls or something.

Chicken. Rice. Peas. Pumpernickel Bread. And some Cheetos from the spoils of Halloween.

Oh yeh. I have a mind numbing body high going on.

Yes. M*A*S*H patched up American warriors in Korea. H*A*S*H has patched up tech warriors with bad backs in Kanada eh! (the following comment is not a view that is held by the editor of this Blog ;) Canada once taken over by USA will be called Kanada)

Nice. This will be a good high.

I'm melting into the couch. "Cheers" is amusing me. Good old days of Sam and Diane. Frazer has just appeared. Soon Woody will be appearing. Awesome.

LoL its a Halloween Treat Party. The spoils of Halloween and munchies of today.

Full on head high with a creeper body high. Couch locker. Mild munchies.



The last BruthaMan was seen...he was was melting into his couch, seeping into the pores of the tan velore.

BruthaMan, I never heard from you after you sent me your review.  Let me know how you fared.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The True Origin of 420

This post is for you PseudoSis!  Proving that it's always good to keep learning.  BruthaMan challenged you to discover the meaning of 420 and low and behold...I have found the truth!  Please read this article The True Origin of 420.  This is the stuff of legend.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Am Such A Nerd

I just found this little tidbit.  I love science fiction!!  Fantasy!!  Star Wars!!  Star Trek!!  What self proffessed stoner wouldn't be!?!  I am such a nerd!

Personal Grooming

Now that's the kind of bush i don't mind letting get overgrown.

Converting is easy...

Wasn't hard.  Here's a hit.  Take it.  Enjoy it.  Come back for more.  What?  A few hits.  Now a pipe?  A gram or two?  Huh?  A 1/4??  Nice! ....

He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood
He's the one that makes ya feel all right
He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood
He's gonna be your Frankenstein
I've got one thing you'll understand
(Dr. Feelgood)
he's not what you'd call a glamorous man
(Dr. Feelgood)
Got one thing that's easily understood
(Dr. Feelgood)
He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood
Oh yeah

Let him soothe your soul, just take his hand
(Dr. Feelgood)
Some people call him an evil man
(Dr. Feelgood)
Let him introduce himself real good
(Dr. Feelgood)
He's the only one they call Feelgood

PsuedoSis is now converted. 


Clarke Griswold beware

Whoa!!  Take a hit and watch the show!!

He Was Right

As I may have alluded to in a past post, over the last six to eight months I've been in a little slump.  Early on in that period I was definitely feeling under appreciated.  Whether self percieved or in actualtiy.  Co-worker or family member.  I wasn't feeling the love.
During one of my nightly strolls, I'd say this would have been 4 months back, whilst being seranaded by my Ipod, this tune, The Real Life by John Mellencamp began playing.  As I walked, smoked and listened to the lyrics, I realized that this song was exactly where I was.  Middle aged and sitting around my house watching T.V.  Literally!!
I realized that, while I work from Home, I'm always at home!  I get out of the house to work on rare occaisons these days.  It felt like I never leave the house.  Or if I did, I'd leave and come right back.
During a conversation with BruthaMan we spoke of this.  He said he'd gone throught a similar situation a few years back.  His solution was to by a Harley.  I was intrugued.  I've ridden bikes before.  Small 125cc dirt bikes.  The theory is the same but the size and weight are totally different.  I've never possessed a motorcycle license.  There are courses designed for the beginning rider tailored to take you through a "how to" course on riding with a t test at the end that licenses the student.
You may call it a mid life crisis.  So be it.  I see it as a person deciding to enjoy the life he/she has.  Doing the things that make him/her happy.  We're only here once.......not for very long.  This spring this is what I intend to buy.  Then spend my summer touring the most beautiful country in the world.
Just because you're middle aged don't mean,
you wanna sit around this house and watch TV.
I want the Real Life, I want to live The Real Life.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

420 Girls

Hot chicks smoking weed!  What more could a guy want?

Monday, November 26, 2012

An interesting little site

While perusing while high, trolling for inspiration, I happened on this interesting little site.  It has a plethora of information for the new smoker and the grisly veteran pothead.  This led me to another thought.  BruthaMan and I have recently converted another to the joys of weed.  She'll be referred to as PseudoSis.

My thought was to pass this bit of information along to PseudoSis.  Being a "pothead" as we were calling her recently, I'm sure she's keen to learn what the proper etiquette is, when passing a pipe or joint.  Or even what 420 means!?

Here is exactly what I'm talking about.  I bet there are people out there doing this, but I never knew...til now!

…If you are offered the “green hit” (first hit), take it, but don’t light the entire bowl. You can take a nice hit and still leave most of the green intact. This is called “cornering the bowl.” Hold the lighter at the edge of the bowl and suck the flame towards one corner of the weed. If the bowl is packed, there should be enough green for three or four people. (This tip is most appreciated when smoking expensive marijuana.)…

What a great tip!!  I'm gonna put that into practise. 

In fact BruthaMan why don't you  pass along the blog address to PseudoSis.  She may get a kick out of it!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Pipe Dream #1

Music to get high by:

Ronnie  - Metallica
Mind Eraser - The Black Keys
The Mob Rules - Black Sabbath

As I do most evenings, I walk.  For exercise and as a means to get high.  It's relaxing as well as providing an excellent opportunity for activity.

Currently I am smoking 2 types of weed, using this pipe.  It's a Metro Pipe.  It's much like a Fisherman's Friend in the way it gets used.  The top portion swivels around to expose the bowl (located above the circular indent) as well as a spring loaded storage compartment that I use to store about half a gram for smoking potential while mobile.


This one is the last bowls of an amalgam of weed that Male Counterpart and I have been collecting and smoking over the last year.  There is some Jamaican Tar, a couple different strains of local hydro, some so called Kush (not really).  The strains also vary on whether it is Indica or Sativa.  A very potent mix to be sure.  A quick shot Doc knock me off my feet with a long staying power.  I get a couple grams which usually lasts me about 10 days.  With me it's always a case of feeling it behind the eyes.  There is a post in the archives relating to that topic..feel free to go hunting.


This next sample is something all together different.  It's amazing what can be found on the Internet these days.  With a little know how and stick-to-itiveness you too could be sampling this Purple Kush.  Here is a shot of some buds before they're ground up. 

As you can see when compared to the above sample, it's quite a bit greener.  It's very sticky and pollinated and extremely pungent in odour.  I love the smell of weed.


This is what I smoked on my walk tonight so that I could review it.  The first hit only took a couple of minutes to "present" itself.  I could feel it kind of swell up from my mid section.  After the first hit I continued walking to gauge what I was feeling, I noticed a grapey sort of after taste.  The second hit was something else.  I took a pretty good haul on my pipe, held it in and when I exhaled I was immediately hit by a wave that made me quite light headed.  As I continued walking I sort of lost track of where I was and almost made a wrong turn from my normal walk route.  My mind raced with random thoughts as I listened to Ronnie by Metallica on my Ipod.  The third and final hit was much the same as the second, I remember shaking my head and bugging out my eyes, as if to clear my head.  With Mind Eraser and The Mob Rules filling my ears I walked the final steps home.  I began to feel a little jittery, a feeling very similar in nature to what we used to call Bennies.  Benzedrine is an amphetamine, an upper and I remember the same jitter when they took affect. 

Once home, Daughter, The Better Half and I watched Oceans 11 and 12.  A very enjoyable evening was had by all.  Made better by the new home theatre filling the room with the cool glitz of retro '60's chic and being super stoned to boot.  What more could a guy ask for?

It's been quite a week

Hello Constant Reader,

I've had quite a week.  Let me fill you in on just a couple of the things that transpired in my meagre existence.  Two things stand out that fit into this blogs forum.


As long as I have been part of  the weed culture, I have striven to keep that bit of knowledge from my any significant others.  Of course, to start, it was the parents.  Then it was authority figures in whatever institution I found myself in, school, work...then finally the Better Half. 

Until...last Sunday, that is.

Quite a few months ago I was originally busted by the Better Half.  When we were "discussing" my perceived transgressions, I was told that I was a Father and that I shouldn't be involved in this particular activity.  So as a means to an end, and to keep the peace I capitulated.  I agreed with everything she said.  "Yes dear I'll quit, once and for all" ...(of course I had no intention of giving up weed).  Even made a show of throwing away my pipe (one of many, do I sound evil?)

So last Sunday, after I was found out and we were once again discussing my perceived transgressions, she made it known she was (rightfully so) extremely pissed, and stormed off to bed.

As karma would have it I was to leave town the next morning for an overnight job, thus providing some sort of cooling off period.  Plus some time to prepare some kind of strategy where I'd be able to prevent myself from getting assasinated...or worse...having to give up the demon weed. 

With the aid of BruthaMan, a little commiseration, some excellent weed and a little drink, a course of discussion was laid out.  We spoke long into the night laying out my plan of attack.  On the way home I was suitably trepidatious.

As it turned out, because of the truth and an incredibly understanding spouse, all is good on the weed front.  It is out in the open with everyone in my family.  It is known I smoke weed and enjoy it, it isn't costing me a fortune and I am very moderate in my usage.

I feel like a new man.  I have, over the course of the last six months or so, been in a funk for lack of a better word, a slump.  Whatever the term I have not felt what I attribute  to be me.  Upon reflection that would put it right around the time I was last busted by BHPD. (Better Half Police Dept.)  A little bit of conscience...whoulda thunk?!?!  Be that as it may, I feel unencumbered, relaxed, comfortable.



When I started writing this blog I was Far From Home.  In actuality I was situated in the far North of North America.  At times quite a few hundred miles north of the Arctic circle.  The job (if you want to call it that) was stagnating in governmental red tape.  The only real impetus to do that job was the money.  Quite a large non-taxed per Diem enabled me to purchase a large quantity of weed on a regular basis.

Why the hell not?!?!  There really isn't a fuck of a lot of thing to do in that region.  So this blog was started and used as a way to while away my time when Far From Home.  I'd get high and post, or at least get inspired by some random pipe dream speak.

I would occasionally get a comment to one of my posts.  Some from one of the co-authors (I had one or two when started) some from an anonymous commenter.  I attributed the anonymous comments to the other co-author.

I was killing some time yesterday and happened to login into the email account used for this Blog. Low and behold there appeared a receipt for a comment to a post!?!?  The last time I posted anything was 11 months ago.  The type of work I do and amount of hours I sometimes pour into it as well as being off my game, so to speak, made it tough for me to consistently post anything.

The comment itself got stuck in spam land on the Blogger site and didn't realize it until I received the email.  Apparently my blog provided the reader with a little information, hopefully he was entertained.  He provided me a link to a blog of his own.  I'm quite certain he was in the state intended for the optimal reading experience.

So for those 2 reasons I believe I will be doing some more posting.  BruthaMan suggests that I blog about my experiences, the feelings I encounter as I sample some of the strains of weed he and I currently possess.  I like that idea.  I can take pics of the weed itself, the strain/name and the effects of said weed. 

I do still intend to post the shit that either boggles my mind or at least freaks me out or makes me laugh.  We'll see what the future will bring.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Crazy Nut Lady

Have to sometimes wonder about people or more to the point young mothers unequipped to present their views in today's social medium (for the more politically incorrect of which I am a charter member).  WTF!!

She has since retracted her requests due to cyber-bullying.  Not one clue in that blonde head of hers.

An update by the Menzoid.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


When I started this blog, roughly a year ago, I was working Far From Home.  Truth be told a shit hole and thus should be wiped from the face of the Earth...but I digress.  I weighed 268 pounds, yes I said that out loud!  A big number, but not one worthy of entering the Biggest Loser Ranch house.  It could have been said that rock bottom was within sight.  Not much to do there but watch T.V., play guitar, jerk off and smoke dope then blog about it.

In an early post, I wrote, with tongue place firmly in cheek as I do much of time, about a new fad diet I had just invented.  The "Weed Diet", get real high and then.............don't eat!  The point of the post was that I have for years felt that the minute I ate something when I get high, I immediately start coming down.  That was it!  Of course I was playing on the stereotypical SCREAMING MUNCHIES attack.  We all do it.  The Stoned and the Not Stoned.  Harder than it seems, when the  proof is viewed in the pudding.

I actually went on the diet.  It is a little more that.  I started walking, out of necessity and, lets admit Self.......greed.  When working Far From Home, our residence was approximately 5 km's away from our working location.  We were given a Per Diem for travel and food and could have taken taxi's but at a rate of $12.00 a day, that's money better suited in my pocket.  So I walked.....a lot.  Don't get me wrong, Far From Home is in a Northern climate and I had my limits.  If the temperature was -25 C or less, with a wind speed in excess of 20 km/hr, I would take a taxi.

So I began my journey.  What really ended up happening was I was eating less during the day because I was was being a skinflint and trying save money.  When I was at "home" I would make it a point of eating whatever meal it was and then get high and either walk or do one of the other fun events mentioned above that were leftover for me to do.

When my time in Hell while working Far From Home was over, and I came Home, I continued what I had begun.  Eating less and never eating while I while I was high.  I didn't always win that battle, it will always be a struggle.

Yesterday morning as I do most mornings after my shower, I weighed myself.  I had reached a plateau in recent months and was surprised to see that I had actually lost 6 pounds, more impressively during the Holiday Season and after Daughter and I had filled numerous containers with baked goods and candies.

With the title as an indication, that is the new number.  To date I have lost 43 pounds all because of the "Weed Diet".