Take A Hit

Take A Hit

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I Feel Gloomy!!!

I had a Crap-tacular day today!  Let's just get it out there.  Wait!!  Make that a Crap-tacular month!!!  Today was the capper of a month of Crap-tacularness!!!!

Three events in my life over the last few weeks have been the the proverbial straw.  A storm to end all storms, an argument with Daughter and forgetful parents.  I won't grace the pages with specifics, suffice it to say, I was given pause to re-consider. 

Re-consider what you say!?  I am going to ask you Constant Reader, to interject yourself in the the situation as outlined above.  Would you be given pause to re-consider?

Then read this.  Please view what is on the other end of this link before you continue.

Please excuse this slight pause whilst I re-consider. 

I saw myself in this. In more ways than one.  Not the suicide part per se, I mean it does paint quite a gloomy picture for quite a few people.  This article spoke to me, maybe because I'm stoned, or maybe because I am one of the Late Boomers, I don't know.

I must confess, I've had those exact same thoughts outlined in the link above.  To this point in my life I have not had any suicidal tendencies, that's a good thing.  My thoughts though, over that time frame, have become increasingly gloomy.

I'm going to look at this, as Karma doing me a solid.  A Karmic kick in the ass, so to speak.  First step, mend fences with Daughter.