Take A Hit

Take A Hit

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

He Was Right

As I may have alluded to in a past post, over the last six to eight months I've been in a little slump.  Early on in that period I was definitely feeling under appreciated.  Whether self percieved or in actualtiy.  Co-worker or family member.  I wasn't feeling the love.
During one of my nightly strolls, I'd say this would have been 4 months back, whilst being seranaded by my Ipod, this tune, The Real Life by John Mellencamp began playing.  As I walked, smoked and listened to the lyrics, I realized that this song was exactly where I was.  Middle aged and sitting around my house watching T.V.  Literally!!
I realized that, while I work from Home, I'm always at home!  I get out of the house to work on rare occaisons these days.  It felt like I never leave the house.  Or if I did, I'd leave and come right back.
During a conversation with BruthaMan we spoke of this.  He said he'd gone throught a similar situation a few years back.  His solution was to by a Harley.  I was intrugued.  I've ridden bikes before.  Small 125cc dirt bikes.  The theory is the same but the size and weight are totally different.  I've never possessed a motorcycle license.  There are courses designed for the beginning rider tailored to take you through a "how to" course on riding with a t test at the end that licenses the student.
You may call it a mid life crisis.  So be it.  I see it as a person deciding to enjoy the life he/she has.  Doing the things that make him/her happy.  We're only here once.......not for very long.  This spring this is what I intend to buy.  Then spend my summer touring the most beautiful country in the world.
Just because you're middle aged don't mean,
you wanna sit around this house and watch TV.
I want the Real Life, I want to live The Real Life.


  1. I think that's a great idea!!!!!hell, maybe ill get a ride on yours since brutha man hasn't offered me one And its been a whole season with a harley :) LOL

  2. Bruthaman only had Harley @ end of June... not whole season. You'da got a ride on the other bike, butttt........

  3. Wow. Unbelievable!!!!

  4. im not fighting:) bruthaman knows where he just wronged me;) its all goodly:)
