I am at the inevitable end of the Banked Week off. The worst part of the week off. Knowing that you only have a couple of days remaining to spend with your family. I have the time but some do not. Although I get the week off I forget that Wife still works. Today she was off until noon her normal routine for Fridays, she then works from 1:00 pm until 9:00 pm.
The good thing this week was that Daughter has completed her second year of college and is taking some time off between her last class and when she starts to work full time through the summer. Luckily I have gotten to spend a lot of time with her this time back. Lunch date, shopping and some running around.
Son and I spent the very beginning of the week together. There was a store that he needed to visit. The store happened to be in another city (relatively close by) so a road trip was launched to said Mall. Spent the day travelling around the sprawling metropolis, I surely do like doing that!!
It's nice to come back and get reacquainted with the family, because there is that three week period where their lives continue, without me being there. It's like their lives get frozen in a moment, that moment stays like that until the next time I see them. Their lives continue on, even with out me being there.
So you look forward to that one week in four where you get to return and re-connect with your family and start all over again. Discovery. Familiarity. Separation. Re-Connection.
I am getting ready to leave. I have about a day and a half left before I fly back to where I am working. Then the three week countdown begins.
Take A Hit
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
I had a follow up doctors appointement this morning. A quick hit, and away I go. I hate when you go to the doctor and all they really have to say is,
"You're fat, quit being fat, if you do I'll take you off the meds, If you don't I'll put you on more meds".
Then send me for more blood work because I drank too much alcohol last month and skewed some results or made other readings get higher because of the way it mixes with one of my meds.
I was blissful a few years ago. Ahhh, those were the good old days. Eat what I want, drink what I want, smoke what I want. Just go to the doctor when I felt under the weather. Now I have a family doctor and I feel like I'm part of the "Old Body Warranty" program. See me every year and I'll send you on numerous tests, just so I can justify myself as your doctor and get paid. "Oh and by the way, let me stick my finger in your ass, up to my elbow while you wait".
She sounded quite serious. Maybe I will try a little harder to shed some of the extra poundage I carry around with me. She is supposed to be concerned about my over all health and safety. Maybe she does know what she's talking about
"You're fat, quit being fat, if you do I'll take you off the meds, If you don't I'll put you on more meds".
Then send me for more blood work because I drank too much alcohol last month and skewed some results or made other readings get higher because of the way it mixes with one of my meds.
I was blissful a few years ago. Ahhh, those were the good old days. Eat what I want, drink what I want, smoke what I want. Just go to the doctor when I felt under the weather. Now I have a family doctor and I feel like I'm part of the "Old Body Warranty" program. See me every year and I'll send you on numerous tests, just so I can justify myself as your doctor and get paid. "Oh and by the way, let me stick my finger in your ass, up to my elbow while you wait".
She sounded quite serious. Maybe I will try a little harder to shed some of the extra poundage I carry around with me. She is supposed to be concerned about my over all health and safety. Maybe she does know what she's talking about
Behind My Browns
The smoking of weed, although a very social activity, is also a very private thing. Social in the fact that all us dope smokers like to get together to smoke it together. Private in the fact in most instances dope smoking is attached a negative stigma, to have the few who view it that way know can have an impact on your daily dealings with them. In an effort to have not to explain, we take any means possible to keep that private. It makes life easier that way.
I can also take some control away from that. Almost like,
"I know something you don't. Heh, I'm high, you're not and you have no clue I'm high".
I'm putting one over on you, I've got a leg up.........you get the idea. Like some one, some altered ego is actually looking out through my eyes but from somewhere behind, somewhere inside my mind's eye. All he ever wants to do is just...look. See what's going on. Someone sitting and looking out from behind my browns.
This person from behind my browns is essentially me, but sees thing just a little differently, from a different perspective. He's little more relaxed. Not worried about "snapping to" every time someone calls or emails. I like that aspect about the Behind the Browns guy. A thing I seek to change about the in front me.
Behind the Browns guy also seems to be a little more creative. No that's not quite right, Behind the Browns guy allows himself to be expressive, through writing and playing guitar.
I like that about Behind the Browns guy. Allowing someone to see an emotive side where you're out there for all to see.
Behind the Browns guy has some of the better parts of me. He lives where the young live. In music and word and ideas. I hope to never lose that part of me. The part that Behind the Browns guy is, or who reminds me of who I used to be. I like being reminded of youth. I lost track of that person a long time ago and it took me a long time to rediscover him. I don't want to lose that.
I can also take some control away from that. Almost like,
"I know something you don't. Heh, I'm high, you're not and you have no clue I'm high".
I'm putting one over on you, I've got a leg up.........you get the idea. Like some one, some altered ego is actually looking out through my eyes but from somewhere behind, somewhere inside my mind's eye. All he ever wants to do is just...look. See what's going on. Someone sitting and looking out from behind my browns.
This person from behind my browns is essentially me, but sees thing just a little differently, from a different perspective. He's little more relaxed. Not worried about "snapping to" every time someone calls or emails. I like that aspect about the Behind the Browns guy. A thing I seek to change about the in front me.
Behind the Browns guy also seems to be a little more creative. No that's not quite right, Behind the Browns guy allows himself to be expressive, through writing and playing guitar.
I like that about Behind the Browns guy. Allowing someone to see an emotive side where you're out there for all to see.
Behind the Browns guy has some of the better parts of me. He lives where the young live. In music and word and ideas. I hope to never lose that part of me. The part that Behind the Browns guy is, or who reminds me of who I used to be. I like being reminded of youth. I lost track of that person a long time ago and it took me a long time to rediscover him. I don't want to lose that.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Request From The Editors
I don't know how many people are actually reading the blog or just passing it by. I can see by our hit meter people are stopping by. Thank you, much appreciated. I hope you found some enjoyment out of it. I've really no illusions as to how this little endeavour will turn out?
Will it become more than I can handle? Many followers, many submitters? Who knows. I have contacted some people I know to see if they want to contribute, and they are deciding. I hope they come aboard. I just wanted to have some where I could communicate with people in a circle fashion like we all have done in Foreman's Basement.
So my request goes out to those who may actually read the blog,
What sort of content would you like to see? I will take any idea into consideration.
Within reason and can be done such that I don't get "married" to it. I believe I am going to continue with the side bar polls. I could always use good suggestions for Polls. If you become a submitter to the blog we can discuss the ability to make design changes to the blog itself.
I like to look at it like this:
"The blog is for you to make in whatever image you choose".
Come on, don't be shy! I know there are people looking, you just need to speak up and try. Just write a small story about you, what YOU know, what YOU'VE experienced.
Comment on one of the numerous posts. The one good thing about me is that I can come up with an opinion on just about anything. I look forward to seeing the input. If you have any questions or suggestions flip me a note at tdsmokemeister@gmail.com.
Will it become more than I can handle? Many followers, many submitters? Who knows. I have contacted some people I know to see if they want to contribute, and they are deciding. I hope they come aboard. I just wanted to have some where I could communicate with people in a circle fashion like we all have done in Foreman's Basement.
So my request goes out to those who may actually read the blog,
What sort of content would you like to see? I will take any idea into consideration.
Within reason and can be done such that I don't get "married" to it. I believe I am going to continue with the side bar polls. I could always use good suggestions for Polls. If you become a submitter to the blog we can discuss the ability to make design changes to the blog itself.
I like to look at it like this:
"The blog is for you to make in whatever image you choose".
Come on, don't be shy! I know there are people looking, you just need to speak up and try. Just write a small story about you, what YOU know, what YOU'VE experienced.
Comment on one of the numerous posts. The one good thing about me is that I can come up with an opinion on just about anything. I look forward to seeing the input. If you have any questions or suggestions flip me a note at tdsmokemeister@gmail.com.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I had occasion to visit my local Big Box Store today. A quick hit and away I go. This song immediately came to mind.
Pinky and The Brain
Please forgive the water mark on the video but it was the only one I could find that was the actual opening to the show. NARF!!
Scumbag Dealer
I've had the misfortune of becoming acquainted with a Scumbag Dealer. I am currently working on a job that takes me far away from my home. As with all new locations it becomes hard trying to find a reliable dealer. Working where I am makes it hard for me to find any local weed. First off all the dealers are locals and they can tell who the new guys are. Secondly. They don't trust Caucasian people.
Luckily (or so I thought) I located a local guy who seemed quite reliable. I saw him a total of 3 times and each time he provided me with the local, very expensive version of what they call weed. Not a very high quality for $30/gram.
A few weeks ago, I had just returned to my "work home". I had a very little amount which quickly ran dry. For 5 days I looked for "My Guy". One bright cheery Saturday morning I spy him out and he recognizes me and calls me over. He asks "You lookin' to buy anything"?, to which I reply "Yes". I see him a few minutes later and he says that he has to give the guy the money for the weed, he needs my cash up front. I figure that this guy has been reliable enough, I give him my cash.
I have yet to see his face in a situation where I may be able to recoup my cash or weed. I saw him this past Friday as I made my way home. I passed him while I was in my taxi going to the airport. He is very easy to see. Whatever coat he wears, he also wears a yellow hoody, that you can see for miles. I'll get my money's worth. One way or another.
Luckily (or so I thought) I located a local guy who seemed quite reliable. I saw him a total of 3 times and each time he provided me with the local, very expensive version of what they call weed. Not a very high quality for $30/gram.
A few weeks ago, I had just returned to my "work home". I had a very little amount which quickly ran dry. For 5 days I looked for "My Guy". One bright cheery Saturday morning I spy him out and he recognizes me and calls me over. He asks "You lookin' to buy anything"?, to which I reply "Yes". I see him a few minutes later and he says that he has to give the guy the money for the weed, he needs my cash up front. I figure that this guy has been reliable enough, I give him my cash.
I have yet to see his face in a situation where I may be able to recoup my cash or weed. I saw him this past Friday as I made my way home. I passed him while I was in my taxi going to the airport. He is very easy to see. Whatever coat he wears, he also wears a yellow hoody, that you can see for miles. I'll get my money's worth. One way or another.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sometimes getting high is an emotional trip...
My son just lay down with me on the couch...
We were watching a BBC documentary on the planet and how people go to great lengths to hunt.
Then... a feeling of eternal loss overcomes me
I realize what my dad must be feeling from losing his eldest son
With his loss...
and fear
All swirling in my chest
Around where people think their heart is...
The feeling sat in my chest for a few minutes before it passed, when I realized I would be creating many memories with my son that he'll remember for the rest of his life.
We were watching a BBC documentary on the planet and how people go to great lengths to hunt.
Then... a feeling of eternal loss overcomes me
I realize what my dad must be feeling from losing his eldest son
With his loss...
and fear
All swirling in my chest
Around where people think their heart is...
The feeling sat in my chest for a few minutes before it passed, when I realized I would be creating many memories with my son that he'll remember for the rest of his life.

Mailman suspended for defecating in yard - Weird News - Canoe.ca
Mailman suspended for defecating in yard - Weird News - Canoe.ca
A bio hazard? What does this guy eat to make it a bio hazard? Only in America!
A bio hazard? What does this guy eat to make it a bio hazard? Only in America!
Midnight Rider
Well, I've got to run to keep from hidin',
And I'm bound to keep on ridin'.
And I've got one more silver dollar,
But I'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no,
Not gonna let 'em catch the Midnight Rider.
Tonight I had a chance to do something I haven't done for a few years. In my younger days, I used to like going out to the club scene. I live and have lived in a large urban areas all my life. I liked the idea of getting ready to go out. Getting dressed, tunes, pre-party party.......
Being young and invincible we drank, smoked and drove. Although I have done my share of drinking while under the influence, the time I refer to in this example was when I was driving but owned no car, and generally got driven everywhere. Which is probably why I enjoyed going out so much, I was never the driver and never ever had to drive.
Tonight, I acted as a limo driver for Daughter. She attended a function in the Big City tonight. I was hired to pick up the three young ladies after the function was done. At 10:20 pm, I recieved a text message that she was ready to be picked up.
Before I leave, quick hit and I'm ready to go! I love driving into the Big City at night. The lights along the motorways. The blinking red tail lights. The skyscrapers "checker board floors" (to borrow a phrase from The Tragically Hip). I always like taking the long way to get to places, I enjoy driving.
I make my way into town, and find my "fare" at the agreed upon meeting place. Quickly get back on the highway and on to the next task of finding a coffee shop for a quick double double for the road.
To the Eastern Suburbs we drive to drop off Function Goer #1. Mission accomplished we head West again to taxi Function Goer #2 home. The entire time spent on the road was 2 hours there and back. Good tunes, nice conversation when the Function Goers and Daughter were on board.
All in all a nice way to get out of the house late at night, something that I rarely get a chance to do anymore. I guess that's why I never complain when I ferry my kids around. I don't mind the process.
And I'm bound to keep on ridin'.
And I've got one more silver dollar,
But I'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no,
Not gonna let 'em catch the Midnight Rider.
Tonight I had a chance to do something I haven't done for a few years. In my younger days, I used to like going out to the club scene. I live and have lived in a large urban areas all my life. I liked the idea of getting ready to go out. Getting dressed, tunes, pre-party party.......
Being young and invincible we drank, smoked and drove. Although I have done my share of drinking while under the influence, the time I refer to in this example was when I was driving but owned no car, and generally got driven everywhere. Which is probably why I enjoyed going out so much, I was never the driver and never ever had to drive.
Tonight, I acted as a limo driver for Daughter. She attended a function in the Big City tonight. I was hired to pick up the three young ladies after the function was done. At 10:20 pm, I recieved a text message that she was ready to be picked up.
Before I leave, quick hit and I'm ready to go! I love driving into the Big City at night. The lights along the motorways. The blinking red tail lights. The skyscrapers "checker board floors" (to borrow a phrase from The Tragically Hip). I always like taking the long way to get to places, I enjoy driving.
I make my way into town, and find my "fare" at the agreed upon meeting place. Quickly get back on the highway and on to the next task of finding a coffee shop for a quick double double for the road.
To the Eastern Suburbs we drive to drop off Function Goer #1. Mission accomplished we head West again to taxi Function Goer #2 home. The entire time spent on the road was 2 hours there and back. Good tunes, nice conversation when the Function Goers and Daughter were on board.
All in all a nice way to get out of the house late at night, something that I rarely get a chance to do anymore. I guess that's why I never complain when I ferry my kids around. I don't mind the process.
Less Socialized Or Good Weed?
The stash that I am currently using is a quite potent form of Jamaican. Male Counterpart located it and was telling me how good it was. He kept saying how high he got when smoking it. It was not until Friday night that I finally understood what he was talking about. You really have to experience this. I had 2 pipe hits. Just your normal run of the mill pipe hits. About a 45 minutes later I was finding it hard to hold a conversation with those around me. Daughter asked me as we pulled into to a Timmies, "Dad are you real tired or are you on something"?
There has been a bit of a running joke around the home that "Dad is less socialized, he is slower now when he comes back from work"!! I am looking forgetful and slow witted. I really have to laugh!! I look that way because of the shit I'm smoking. One pipe hit equals 2 to 3 hours high quality high. I have only dared take 3 hits once, it was late however and no one else was awake, good thing too, I may not have been able to deal if some one had come upon me while I was in that state. It is best for me at this point to only go for single hits every few hours. A win win situation.
When I obtained the weed on Friday, I was dared to smoke 2 bowls. I could not imagine how high I would be after smoking 2 bowls. You'd probably find me standing in the middle of a field, spinning, with my hands thrown out in confusion, like an idoit looking for an idiots convention. An interesting notion and one in need of further investigation in other locales.
There has been a bit of a running joke around the home that "Dad is less socialized, he is slower now when he comes back from work"!! I am looking forgetful and slow witted. I really have to laugh!! I look that way because of the shit I'm smoking. One pipe hit equals 2 to 3 hours high quality high. I have only dared take 3 hits once, it was late however and no one else was awake, good thing too, I may not have been able to deal if some one had come upon me while I was in that state. It is best for me at this point to only go for single hits every few hours. A win win situation.
When I obtained the weed on Friday, I was dared to smoke 2 bowls. I could not imagine how high I would be after smoking 2 bowls. You'd probably find me standing in the middle of a field, spinning, with my hands thrown out in confusion, like an idoit looking for an idiots convention. An interesting notion and one in need of further investigation in other locales.
Monday, April 25, 2011
In Its Infancy
This blog was created by me about a week and a half ago. I was going through a particularly rough time, a lot of boredom at work. I publish a post on another blog which got read by the wrong people, things were read and said. The long and short of it was, I got censored. They didn't like what I said and I was forced to take that blog down. Coincidentally, I was dry at that point and had lost some money to a scumbag dealer where I reside. That will be the topic of another post.
A rock bottom you could say. I was considering starting the blog over again, a different name, something that could not be considered as libelous to who I am working for. So "Inconspicuous Me" was born. I never really published any posts on this blog.
I then thought that because my other blog has a readership that I would rather not know of my extra curricular activities, that it would be a blog about getting high and posting. This has come to mean to me a name change is also required. From this moment on (post publish) the new name will be
The Circle.
I know, I'm showing a round table but bear with me. I used to love a T.V. show called "That 70's Show". The main characters were high school aged teens going to school and doing what kids of the 70's did. Party!!
One of my favourite recurring scenes were of the gang sitting around a table in a circle smoking a little weed and then doing what we all have done. Debating who was hotter, Samantha Stevens or Jeannie. Or of whatever is current chatter between the dope smoking friends of today. So in honour of that intention (which is what I had intended this blog to be about) I name this blog "The Circle".
Please follow and comment as much as you will. For those of you who care to become submitters please let me know .
A rock bottom you could say. I was considering starting the blog over again, a different name, something that could not be considered as libelous to who I am working for. So "Inconspicuous Me" was born. I never really published any posts on this blog.
I then thought that because my other blog has a readership that I would rather not know of my extra curricular activities, that it would be a blog about getting high and posting. This has come to mean to me a name change is also required. From this moment on (post publish) the new name will be
The Circle.
I know, I'm showing a round table but bear with me. I used to love a T.V. show called "That 70's Show". The main characters were high school aged teens going to school and doing what kids of the 70's did. Party!!
One of my favourite recurring scenes were of the gang sitting around a table in a circle smoking a little weed and then doing what we all have done. Debating who was hotter, Samantha Stevens or Jeannie. Or of whatever is current chatter between the dope smoking friends of today. So in honour of that intention (which is what I had intended this blog to be about) I name this blog "The Circle".
Please follow and comment as much as you will. For those of you who care to become submitters please let me know .
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Tone Deaf Smokemeister
I am the Tone Deaf Smokemeister. Glad to be here. I will be using this moniker for the purpose of posting here as well as on other blogs.
I look forward to posting here and seeing what is going to get added. Please invite anyone you can think of. I will do the same.
I look forward to posting here and seeing what is going to get added. Please invite anyone you can think of. I will do the same.
Thinking Caps On Boys and Girls
Hello interested parties. I am begining this blog as a way of relating to other par takers of the herbal variety. I'd like to keep it as an open forum of experiences, good , bad, recent, from the not to distant past, real time..................
Well you get the idea. I'd also like t keep this by invite only. So Male Counterpart, if you are reading let me know if you would like to continue and if you know of anyone else who may wanna converse in this media. I will make invites or allow you to manage the blog as well.
Well you get the idea. I'd also like t keep this by invite only. So Male Counterpart, if you are reading let me know if you would like to continue and if you know of anyone else who may wanna converse in this media. I will make invites or allow you to manage the blog as well.

As I sip a coffee and wonder when I'll take my first hit today, I reflect on last night...
.. .. uhm .. ..
Yeh... I need to blog when I'm stoned. That would work. Who can remember all the shenanigans that happen in 4 - 6 hours of being high.
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